
She sits in silence
Deafened by the racing thoughts
of the never-ending mental load

She prays for strength 
Weakened by the constant wants and needs and expectations
To give, to nourish, to comfort, to support, to guide, to teach,
To love, to provide, to protect, 
To be everything every second of every hour of every day
To everyone but herself

Her heart is full
Yet at times the emptiness surrounds her
The guilt of melancholy
Pleads for her to escape
Back to the silence

Alone with her thoughts
Vulnerable, unguarded, exposed to the rawness
of her own humanity

She reminds herself
It is okay to STOP
It is okay to breathe
It is okay to unload the mental load and just be
One with herself
It is okay to ask for help
It is okay to seek forgiveness
It is okay to focus on herself
It is okay...

Because she knows
She has no super powers
Yet she is powerfully super


She is my grandmother
She is my mother
She is my sister
She is my aunt
She is my daughter
She is my friend
She is you
She is me

Empowered and inspired,
She's got this.

You've got this.

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