I wrote the below on 08.05.20 at a time when our Nation was clearly anything but united.
Eyes wide open My heart weeps for the unknown Of tomorrow Yesterday's history forgotten, Today's lessons fleeting, I am alone. Will I be erased? Arms outstretched My Spirit aches for the Resurrection Of Faith departed Prayers left unanswered For those unwilling to accept They are lost. Will they be found? My soul yearns Blinded by false promises Of battles tirelessly fought Vows to never forget Soldiers whose purpose Has become others' propaganda Was their sacrifice enough? My voice beckons Calling upon deaf ears Of forgiveness, of remembrance Bellowing upon Our pleas To move forward For unity. For change. Are my silent cries loud enough to make a difference? In solitude, they are not. With fortitude, Collectively, We will be heard.
We need to unite. The world, and especially our country, has gone mad. Erasing history solves nothing and perpetuates the cycle even further. Accepting the past and moving forward is what evolution and perseverance is all about.