Congratulations on your First Holy Communion, Cole Bryan! 05.01.2021. I love you and thank God every day for all that you are and aspire to be. And I thank you for being a beautiful, loving, compassionate being. He gifted me the greatest blessing of life with the Holy Spirit and our family. I am humbly grateful and so proud of you. #colebryan #blessedmomof3 #kaleidoscopelife #kaleidoscopekids
I prayed for you. Long before I met your father, Long before I even knew who or when I'd ever marry. I dreamed of you. I always knew you would be a part of me, and I you, long before I ever met you, held you in my arms or smelled your sweet newborn scent. I longed for you. Long before my sacrament of marriage and vow before God that I would always serve Him and love your father. I needed you. To complete me. To bless me with motherhood. To teach me unconditional, true love, deeper than any feeling I could have ever imagined. When you were one you prayed for your brother, a companion, a best buddy to talk to, to play with, to grow our family's Faith. He heard you. When you were four, you dreamed of a sister. I was with child, yet she never blessed this Earth with her presence - just her spirit. I was broken - but you kept me whole. When you were five, you longed for an earthly sister, so much so that you told me God spoke to you and that it was His will that she be born. You told me that seed of Faith had been planted and that God's Grace had blessed our family. Unbeknownst to me, you were right. You needed me to see His mercy and you shared with me His compassion. He spoke through you because you believed, your Faith never waivered, you accepted and you loved. The depth of your Faith is remarkable. It is pure. It is raw. It is real. There have been so many occasions where His presence within you has been evident. He has chosen you to be a disciple of His love. Congratulations on your First Holy Communion, my son. I love you and am so very proud of you. Always be steadfast in your Faith, prayerful in your dreams and honest with yourself. Trust in the Lord and He will guide you to eternal life with Christ, Our Savior.